Awards and AGM announced

LUCA is proud to announce details of this years AGM, awards and after-party.

The AGM and awards evening will be held on Sunday 27th May, followed by an after-party in central London.

King’s College will host the evening at Bush House, Aldwych.

The AGM will start proceedings at 1500. All students are invited to attend.

To nominate a motion for discussion or nominate yourself for a committee position, click here. All nominations must be received before the AGM. To find out more about joining the committee, click here.

Representatives from all member clubs are expected to attend the AGM. We invite members of outgoing and incoming committees. There is no limit to the amount of members you can bring, but each club only has two votes.

The awards will be held from 19:00 and all students are invited to attend. The awards are always a fun way to wrap up the season and celebrate the achievements of athletes, coaches, club leaders and volunteers.  To nominate a club or individual for a LUCA award, please click here.

The dress code is formal and there will be a photographer to catch people looking their finest.

You must RSVP by clicking ‘attending’ here.

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About James Findon 165 Articles
James is the founder of LUCA.