Wormwood Scrubs – The LXCL Finale!

After a huge season of running cross country, it was time for perhaps the most important race of all – LXCL 5. Athletes traveled to a dreary Wormwood Scrubs to see who would be crowned champions. The race for first in the women’s league was tight, and would UCL hold on to their top spot in the men’s team? In the individual, Phillipa Bowden was guaranteed a win (1st place in all 4 of the races she ran in, quite impressive), but who could clinch the remaining spots? In the men’s individual Euan Campbell looked to displace Paddy Roddy from the top spot.


Congratulations to everyone who ran throughout the season, and to everyone who volunteered their time to make it all possible. Now the LUCA XC is over, its time to get in shape for the outdoor athletics series!

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