Jamaica finds 12-year old sprinting superstar set to be ‘next Usain Bolt’

12-year old Brianna Lyston has been compared to legendary sprinter Usain Bolt by winning the 100m and 200m in the 2017 Boys and Girls Championships.

Lyston also set a new under-13s record in the 200m making her the first child in her age group to run a sub-24 time.

Her 200m semi-final time of 23.46 was ruled wind-illegal (+2.2mps) but her sensational form continued in the final where she set a record of 23.72s.

Over 100m, she cruised to victory and clocked 11.86 seconds.

Lyston is already ahead of the developmental curve set by Bolt, but clearly has some distance to cover to reach his status.

The young Jamaican first came to national prominence at the age of 10 when she ran 42.41 in the 300m at the Caribbean Union Teachers Championships in Trinidad and Tobago – over a second faster than the winning time in the boys’ race.

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James is the founder of LUCA.