LUCA and London Athletics are proud to announce a This Girl Can neon/colour run for the 10th November 2016
What is it?
A neon rave run around the River Thames. Approx. 6KM with stations each 1K for music, games and laughter.
Where is it?
St Paul’s Cathedral, but participants will be meeting at their university first.
When is it?
Thursday 10th November, 6:45 at St Paul’s
What do I need to bring?
Not much. A bottle of water and a smile.
What do I do with my bags?
There will be a bag drop with marshals watching the bags throughout the event. However we accept no responsibility for lost bags or valuables.
Where do I meet?
You must meet at one of the university meeting points listed below. Please do not go straight to the venue. If your university is not listed below, please join King’s College London. If you are a team manager at a LUCA university, please contact to add your meet location to this list.
King’s College London Students (plus all other university students not listed): 6:15pm outside James Clerk Maxwell Building 57 Waterloo Road London SE1 8WA
University College London Students: 6pm at the Bloomsbury Theatre, 15 Gordon St, London WC1H 0AH
Imperial College London Students: 5:45pm at Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BB
London School of Economics Students: 6pm at the Saw Swee Hock building, 1 Sheffield St, London WC2A 2EY
What should I wear?
Trainers are essential. Note that it may be quite cold, so leggings/jogging bottoms, jumper, hat, gloves and a long sleeve t-shirt are advised. Bring spares just in case.
How do I sign up?
Right here: Sign-up form
How much does it cost?
It’s free!
What really?
Yes! Thanks to these wonderful people: LUCA, RUN! Southwark, King’s College London, Imperial College London, University College London.