Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 09.47.342015 Elections

Students, alumni and friends are invited to come to Student Central at 7pm on Wednesday 14th. Attendees will vote for the new committee members. If you want to stand for election, simply come to the meeting (no prior paperwork/nomination required).

Why stand for election?

So many reasons.

  • You’ll be making a massive positive difference in the athletics scene in London.
  • You’ll learn valuable skills and make yourself more employable.
  • You’ll make connections and work with some great people
  • You’ll make a lasting contribution to an exciting new venture
  • You’ll receive a free Nike / LUCA t-shirt! 







Positions available

LUCA Executive

  • President
    The president has overall responsibility for the running of LUCA. They will assist the organising committees with their work and lead the LUCA education programme. They will work closely with England Athletics and London Athletics to promote the sport at universities in London.  
  • Vice-President
    The vice-president has the role of supporting the president in their activities. They are second in charge and will assist the organising committees and the LUCA education programme. 
  • Secretary
    The secretary is in charge of liaising with England Athletics and our other corporate and charitable partners. Good communication skills are important here and you will develop skills and connections in the athletics world.
  • Treasurer
    The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring LUCA runs within budget. They will have access to the LUCA bank account and will raise invoices and make payments. 
  • Promotions Coordinator
    This role is for any budding PR guru’s. You’ll be in charge of promoting LUCA and the leagues. 

LCAS Organising Committee (LCASOC)

  • Chair
    The LCAS chair is in charge of operating the three LCAS races and the indoor champs. 
  • Officials Sec
    The officials sec will be in charge of the officials at the LCAS events. 
  • Venues Sec
    The venues sec will be in charge of liaising with the venues for LCAS events.
  • Equipment Sec
    The equipment sec will be in charge of ensuring appropriate equipment is at all the events. 

LCL Organising Committee (LCASOC)

  • Chair
    The LCL chair is in charge of operating the five LCL fixtures. 
  • Secretary
    The Secretary is in charge of processing the results from the LCL races.
  • (Each host college automatically sits on LCLOC)