A strong online presence can significantly boost your clubs ability to recruit new members and keep current and former members connected to the club.
But it’s common to feel lost at sea when attempting to set one up. So we’ve created this little guide to help get you started.
We present three methods to get your club online quickly and affordably. None require any knowledge of coding and all are available for under £100 for a year.
There are about 74,652,825 websites running on wordpress. This equates to about 18.9% of all websites…including our very own LUCA website and Motspur AC website. WordPress has a simple user interface and advance plugins (many of which are free).
Get started
To get started, you’ll need a host. We recomend the deluxe package on ‘GoDaddy‘. It will give you a free domain name and walk you though the process of setting up your website. You’ll also get a series of perks like free Office365 email for year.
Price per year: £85
Ease of Use: 5/5
Best bits: Easy to get going, looks smart, great range of plugins
Worst bits: Some plugins require subscription, so do some themes
Wix is the drag and drop king of website design. Absolutely no coding is needed to manage a Wix website but it consequently suffers from a criticism that it’s unprofessional. That being said, there are some great wix websites out there so it’s probably more about how you use the tools than the tools themselves.
Get started
To get started, you’ll need an account with Wix and a domain name (which comes free with the service). You can sign up here. We recomend the Unlimited plan.
Price per year: £93
Ease of Use: 4/5
Best bits: Easy to get going, instantly see how your website will look, change everything easily.
Worst bits: For some reason, wix websites have that ‘wix’ feel about them …, not many plugins and most cost money, hard to add additional users.