London Colleges League
6th Race - Battersea Park - 01/03/00

Men's Race: 10km

                                                         1   2 
  1 William Levett                BUC             30.49  90     
  2 Michael Skinner               BUC             31.21  89     
  3 Neil Speaight                 BUC                21  88     
  4 Ben Hukins                    IC                 33  87     
  5 Dennis Ojera                  KU              32.35      90 
  6 Didier Philippe               KU                 37      89 
  7 Ben Wells                     BUC                54  86     
  8 Chris Payne                   BUC                56  85     
  9 Gordon Irvine                 St.Georges      33.00      88 
 10 Mike Boucher                  IC                 18  84     
 11 David Hanna                   Reading            39  83     
 12 Farid Souria                  South Bank         48      87 
 13 Malachi Byansi                South Bank      34.00      86 
 14 Jodie Forbes                  IC                 04  82     
 15 Steve McAndrew                IC                 11  81     
 16 Andy Greenway                 IC                 12  80     
 17 Roly Teare                    IC                 33  79     
 18 Eliot Sykes                   UC                 41  78     
 19 Basil Piotrowski              BUC                52  77     
 20 Desmond Rhule               * Kings              55  76     
 21 Dan Carrivick                 IC II           35.00  75     
 22 Tim Grant                     BUC II             01      85 
 23 Andreas Hilfinger             IC II              10  74     
 24 Gavin Daisley                 IC II              24  73     
 25 Graham Johnson                Reading            34  72     
 26 Toby Jameson                  Brunel             44  71     
 27 Patrick Wallace               LSE                48      84 
 28 Killian Sinnott               IC II              50  70     
 29 Anthony Orekogbe              KU              36.26      83 
 30 Milan Dojin                   UNL                31  69     
 31 Neil Tillott                  RHUL               58  68     
 32 Robbie Neill                  SMUC            37.07  67     
 33 Kieran O'Dea                  SMUC               15  66     
 34 Jason House                   RIHE               20      82 
 35 Philip Hayes                  QMW                29  65     
 36 James Del Campo               RHUL               32  64     
 37 Nick Stockman                 UC                 34  63     
 38 Lars Hartenstein              LSE                55      81 
 39 Damon Hoad                    Kings           38.01  62     
 40 Frederick Mohn                RHUL               10  61     
 41 Mike Wilcox                   IC II              15  60     
 42 Giles Lunn                    IC II              16  59     
 43 Colm Davis                    UNL                23  58     
 44 Steve Norris                  Brunel             34  57     
 45 Keith Adams                   LSE                43      80 
 46 Simon Bergqvist               UC                 56  56     
 47 Leo Johnson                   UNL             39.08  55     
 48 David Patterson               IC III             09  54     
 49 Arthur McManus                LSE                11      79 
 50 Matt Beatham                  IC III             13  53     
 51 Simon Westcott                SMUC               17  52     
 52 Steve Turner                  UNL             40.10  51     
 53=Michael Shepherd              SMUC               20  49     
 53=Jon Goodwin                   SMUC               20  49     
 53=Lee Calderon                  SMUC               20  49     
 56=Tom Everitt                 * UNL                32  46«    
 56=Sash Hauzaree                 UNL                32  46«    
 58 Chris McBride               * LSE                38      78 
 59 Angus Crosby                  IC III          41.33  45     
 60 Sebastien Forge               KU                 35      77 
 61 Adrian Boyd                   UNL II             35      76 
 62 Chris Houlden                 St.Georges      42.39      75 
 63 Ken Abraham                   Brunel          45.07  44     
 64 Lewis Barnes                  St.Georges         09      74 
 65 Abdel Khairoun                Brunel             35  43     
 66 Fu Ng                         St.Georges         52      73 
 67 Steve Wright                  RIHE            46.33      72 


 1 Brunel University College (BUC)438 
 2 Imperial College (IC)          414 
 3 Imperial College II            352 
 4 St.Mary's University College   283 
 5 University of North London     279«
 6 Brunel University              215 
 7 University College (UC)        197 
 8 Royal Holloway (RHUL)          193 
 9 University of Reading          155 
10 Imperial College III           152 
11 King's College                 138 
12 Queen Mary & Westfield Coll     65 

 1 Kingston University (KU)       339 
 2 L.S.E.                         324 
 3 St.Georges Hospital            310 
 4 South Bank University          173 
 5 Roehampton Institute (RIHE)    154 
 6 Brunel University College II    85 
 7 University of North London II   76 

Women's Race: 6km

  1 Dorothea Lee                  IC              23.45  60     
  2 Rebecca Taylor                BUC             24.41  59     
  3 Emily Ferenczi                UC              26.16  58     
  4 Caitriona McKeon              SMUC               37  57     
  5 Sally Dawson                  Guest              42   -     
  6 Natalie Coveney               SMUC            27.29  56     
  7 Lucy Pringle                  SMUC               40  55     
  8 Luise Kaerger                 IC                 54  54     
  9 Sally Smith                   UC              28.06  53     
 10 Liz Davies                    Reading         29.06  52     
 11 Chris Droste                  RHUL               10  51     
 12 Helen Nightingale             RHUL               35  50     
 13 Emma Towerton                 BUC             30.34  49     
 14 Rebecca Wiscombe              BUC                47  48     
 15 Beccie Screech                Reading         31.00  47     
 16 Jenny Bottomley               SMUC II            22  46     
 17 Rhianydd Tarr                 St.Georges         51  45     
 18 Shevonna Timmins              St.Georges      37.39  44     
 19 Bel Dodds                     St.Georges      39.53  43     

 1 St.Mary's University College   168 
 2 Brunel University College (BUC)156 
 3 St.Georges Hospital            132 
 4 Imperial College (IC)          114 
 5 University College (UC)        111 
 6 Royal Holloway (RHUL)          101 
 7 University of Reading           99 
 8 St.Mary's University College II 46 

Copyright Mike Baggs 2000